Respecting wildlife When Staying at Camps/Lodges
Important Wildlife Safety Tips:The wild animals are not like those found in theme parks – they aren’t tame. Most of the safari camps are unfenced and dangerous animals can (and do!) wander through the camps. Many of the animals and reptiles you will see are potentially dangerous. Attacks by wild animals are rare. However, there are no guarantees that such incidents will not occur. None of the Wilderness Safaris group of companies, their staff members, associates, agents, or their suppliers can be held liable for any injuries caused during an incident involving the behaviour of wild animals.
Observe the Following wildlife Safety precautions if Possible:
- Please listen to the camp staff and guides. The wildlife safety precautions need to be taken seriously, and strictly adhered to. Don’t go wandering off on your own without a guide – even to your rooms. After retiring to your rooms at night, don’t leave them.
- Observe animals silently and with a minimum of disturbance to their natural activities. Loud talking on game drives can frighten the animals away.
- Never attempt to attract an animal’s attention. Don’t imitate animal sounds, clap your hands, pound the vehicle or throw objects.
- Please respect your driver-guide’s judgment about proximity to lions, cheetahs and leopards.
- Don’t insist that he take the vehicle closer so you can get a better photograph. A vehicle driven too close can hinder a hunt or cause animals to abandon a hard-earned meal.
- Litter tossed on the ground can choke or poison animals and birds and is unsightly.
- Never attempt to feed or approach any wild animal on foot. This is especially important near lodges or in campsites where animals may have become accustomed to human visitors.
- Refrain from smoking on game drives. The dry African bush ignites very easily, and a flash fire can kill animals.
You will walk where possible but this is often determined by the local area and country regulations.
NOTE: Walking is at your own risk as these walks can take you close to dangerous wild animals.
The following are some guidelines you should follow while on a safari:
Bush vegetation is extremely sensitive. Off-road driving causes erosion and encourages the encroachment of unwanted plant species. Observe the animals silently and with a minimum of disturbance to their natural activities. Loud talking on game drives can frighten the animals away.
Night drives with excessive use of spotlights disrupt the activities of nocturnal animals causing temporary blindness and disorientation. Never tease or corner wild animals, this may cause an unpredictable response and a potentially dangerous reaction.
Do not remove any natural material from wildlife reserves. This disrupts the ecology of the area and promotes the spreading of diseases amongst domestic animals and crops. Never attempt to attract an animal’s attention. Don’t imitate animal sounds, clap your hands, pound the vehicle or throw objects.
Please respect your driver / guide’s judgment about your proximity to certain wild animals. Don’t insist that he take the vehicle closer so you can get a better photograph. A vehicle driven too close can hinder a hunt, or cause animals to abandon a hard-earned meal.
Remember that your guide is an expert, so always follow his advice and ask him questions if you are unsure of anything. Never sleep outside. Take only photographs and memories with you.
Litter tossed on the ground can choke or poison animals and birds and is unsightly. Refrain from smoking on game drives. The dry African bush ignites very easily, and a flash fire can kill many animals.
Never attempt to feed or approach any wild animal on foot. This is especially important near lodges or in campsites where animals may have become accustomed to human visitors.