As the Coronavirus Pandemic is spreading globally, the Jamboree Africa team is closely monitoring the outbreak and will continue to provide assistance to travelers. The health and safety of our travelers and partners remain JATS ultimate priority. Below we have created an overview of your rights in times of a virus-outbreak and negative travel advice.
Coronavirus Pandemic Updates
This page will be updated based on new information and the development of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Please note that we are based in Nairobi and, on the advice of the Kenyan authorities, all of our staff are working from home. As a result, we are currently unable to take as many calls as we would and ask for your patience and understanding.
Before the trip
Before the trip: Understand the safety risks and health recommendations of the destination
Please familiarize yourself with the safety risks, health and travel recommendations of the destinations you visit. For the most up to date information contact your foreign office in your home country for advice. For reference, you can also visit the WHO advice page on the novel coronavirus pandemic and the official advice of your local government of health authority.
Travel advice is non-binding. You are always responsible for your travel choices and decisions.
We strongly recommend taking comprehensive travel insurance before you travel.
Before the trip: There is no travel warning, can I still travel?
Our local agencies will execute the trip as they have planned it with you. You can always reach out to them in case you have questions or concerns.
At the moment that you are not willing to travel to the planned destination, you can also contact your local agency. In most cases, our local agencies will be open to postpone or rebook your trip to another destination.
Before the trip: A travel warning has been issued, what happens with my booking?
The situation with Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) and its impact on political borders and movement are unprecedented. As a result, we are reviewing all cancelations on a case-by-case basis.
We are as flexible as possible with postponements, re-bookings and change of destinations, however, most cancelations will incur charges in line with the cancelation policies of your bookings.
Please reach out to us for assistance. Kindly note that, due to the volume of requests at present, there will be a significant delay in response time.
We will prioritize travelers by scheduled start dates for all correspondence. Get in touch with us.
Further reading from the World Health Organization on Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19).
Already traveling during the Coronavirus Pandemic

I am already traveling in the destination, what do I need to know?
If there is an outbreak in your destination, please follow the advice of your local authorities.
We recommend you to review the recommendations of the WHO and your local health authority on basic safety measures and precautions for your destinations.
Please familiarize yourself with the details of your travel insurance policy, in particular, the contact details in the event of a medical emergency..
In the case of repatriation (when you must return home during your trip), because of a medical-accident or sickness, travel insurance should kick in and you should directly contact your providers.
When you wish to interrupt your trips and return home without a medical reason, you should also contact your insurance providers.
Postponement & Change of booking

How can I postpone my trip?
The Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID 19) has brought us a lot of unprecedented circumstances that are beyond our control. It has affected and spread in every corner of the world. It got all of us unaware and made us go through some uncontrollable conditions.
In case you want to postpone your trip, please contact us. Let us know that you intend to travel later and, if you already know a time frame, also inform us about your newly planned travel dates. We will check the bookability of your trip and confirm the itinerary or any needed changes (e.g. due to seasonality).
We are grateful to all those who have rescheduled their safaris to 2021 and 2022. These give hope to our safari operations, tour staff, and a long chain of all our suppliers. We request all those thinking to cancel, that we humbly request that you keep your booking and reschedule to 2021. You are given a Year from the time your safari to start, to choose a date in between to rebook your safari.
Can I move my trip to another destination?
Moving your trip involves canceling your current trip and re-booking another. Cancelation fees would apply. The remaining amount would be refunded in travel credit. Changes are allowed and we will provide you with new itinerary.
If no travel warning has been issued for your travel destination and the itinerary has not been significantly affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), travelers wishing to cancel a booking are subject to standard cancellation policies and fees.
There is undoubtedly no determined end in sight of the COVID-19 pandemic although global efforts to find vaccine(s) and develop guidelines on how to live with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) have picked momentum.
Is it safe to travel to Kenya amidst the global covid-19 pandemic?
Our answer is YES. Kenya has been listed among the 80 global destinations certified and authorized to use the “World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) “Safe Travel Stamp” after the destination’s adopted the global COVID-19 health and hygiene standardized protocols.
This stamp allows for the recognition of Kenya as a viable holiday safari destination subject to the implementation of the health and safety protocols.
Our Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) health and safety protocols:
Jamboree Africa Tours and Safaris (JATS) has adopted tourism and hospitality protocols on health and safety to mitigate the effects of the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic and taken responsibility of ensuring that destination Kenya is safe for tourism business.
Protocols for Jamboree Africa offices & staff:
- All our core staff have valid covid-19 free certification not more than14 days old from a recognized government approved facility at the first time and subsequently maintain the Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19) prevention guidelines prescribed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and relevant agencies.
- We have provided approved facemasks, hand sanitizers/hand washing facility with running water and soap at the entrance and at other strategic locations in the premises which are hygienically operated.
- We have provided contactless thermometer for body temperature check at the entrance for both staff and visitors.
- Have documented Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for guest Management line with these protocols and MOH’s Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19) preventive guidelines as appropriate.
- We have created and will maintain a register of all staff & drivers.
- All staff have been instructed to wash or sanitize hands their before and immediately after entering the work premises, after changing into uniforms, after using lockers and frequently while on shift, particularly after touching items or surfaces.
- All our staff offices have provision for adequate ventilation and maximized via wide openable windows.
- We have provided visible notices / signages and other sensitization information at the strategic locations/entrance on Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19) preventive measures, screening, frequent hand washing and sanitization and mandatory wearing of face masks.
- We have a Guest/visitors register shall be kept and updated daily and include mobile contact & physical address for ease in contact tracing.
- We have Integrated technologies to enable automation, such as online, mobile payment and discouraged cash payments.
- Our wide office doors shall be left/wedged open to reduce surface touching or porters/security shall be deployed to open doors to limit their touching of surfaces.
- We have provided separate waste bins in each office and at strategic locations and appropriate method for collection and storage of used PPEs to ensure hygienic waste disposal with minimum contact.
- We have a documented list of emergency contacts, reporting system and evacuation procedures for any arising health related incidents at our offices.
- We have developed office staff work schedules and shifts and provided the option of working from home for some of our staff.
- All our public facilities (kitchen, washrooms, lobby/lounge etc) shall adhere to social distancing, frequent cleaning and disinfection and provided with adequate supply of hand washing and sanitizing facilities. Staff have been trained on the same.
- We have developed cleaning procedures with appropriate disinfectants/sanitizers focusing on guest’s body, luggage, travel documents and high-frequency touch points/surfaces.
- Office gadgets/equipment headsets, personal computers, desks, telephones are dedicated to one staff member.
- Guest/visitors register shall be kept and updated daily and should include mobile contact & physical address for ease in tracing. Whenever possible, minimize walk-in clients and encourage online bookings.
- We will maintain records of sanitized areas/surfaces, detergents used and personnel involved in cleaning and sanitization process.
Protocols for airport transfers, excursions & safari operations:
- We will ensure that all our safari transfer vehicles are properly cleaned and sanitized during and after each trip/ transfer.
- We will Provide packed lunches for long drive to avoid unnecessary stop-overs.
- We shall ensure drivers and guides use suitable communication gadgets for vehicles carrying more than 7 passengers to communicate with guest to avoid turning or shouting to enable them to be heard by guests.
- We will maintain a register of clients transported or who have interacted with the tour guides.
- We shall ensure our safari / transfer vehicles are sanitized before the start of each trip and this will include cleaning and disinfecting of all surfaces (handrails, door handles, seats etc.) at regular times in the course of trip.
- Particular attention shall be given to luggage disinfection before and after handling.
- We shall encourage open windows when weather permits, to allow air circulation in all our safari and transfer vehicles.
- We will limit the number of staff accompanying guests in every trip – only one driver guide per vehicle.
- We shall ensure information provided (like tourist map) is stuck on the back of the chairs of the vehicle to minimize contact.
- Only the driver guide will be permitted to open doors for the clients to minimize touching contaminated surfaces where applicable. The driver shall sanitize the doors before and after opening/closing.
- We will endeavor to educate office staff, driver guides and customers about their shared responsibility to help protect each other in a Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19) environment.
- Maintain appropriate and reliable list of emergency contacts for rapid assistance in case of health and safety related instances. This list will be stuck in each of our safari/transfer vehicles.
- We will educate and encourage our guests to minimize /avoid paying using cash at restaurants, curio shops e.t.c. Online, Mobile payment or credit/debit cards encouraged.
- Disposable approved & quality facemasks and sanitizers shall be made available in the vehicle for use at all times.
- Our drivers shall not be allowed to make stopover at any other place apart from the prearranged designated point or areas.
- All our vehicles shall carry a capacity that ensures social distancing between guests travelling together. Land cruisers and similar vehicles the carrying capacity shall not exceed 7 passengers.
- Jamboree Africa Tours and Safaris will only choose partners that are confirmed to comply with existing Government directives for the safe handling of their guests. This includes but is not limited to hotels, airlines, boats e.t.c.
- Any provided water bottles or items shall be labelled with each guest name to avoid sharing or use by another.
- Binoculars and cameras shall not to be shared and shall be sanitized regularly.
- Families, tour groups and couples shall be allocated to a specific vehicle and a guide for the duration of their stay to minimize exposure to other guests and guides.
Commitment To Our Guests And Jamboree Africa Tours and Safaris Team
As Time moves, we are developing the fact that the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID 19) is here to stay. We at Jamboree Africa Safaris are trying to create the best conducive environment for our staff, and our guests when traveling to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Zanzibar.
Our different safari destinations are sharing their safari protocols and how we should conduct our safaris. This will be a big difference to what we used to have before the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), and we should adapt to these guidelines. These protocols are still being build and we will keep you posted as time goes by.
Flights To East Africa / Quarantine Procedures
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and Kigali International Airport are set to open up on 1st Aug 2020. This brings hope to us as we anticipate to receive you back to East Africa for your endless amazing safaris. But again all these depend on guidelines set by the different individual airlines, airports, and countries. Tanzania opened its airport and are accepting international flights. Ethiopian Airways announced they start Tanzania flights on 1st June 2020.
When Land You land in any East African destination, you will be required to produce a 14 days COVID 19 – Coronavirus Pandemic Negative Certificate to show you are free from Corona Virus. You will be subjected to mandatory temp testing at the airports, and when confirmed negative, you will be allowed to continue with your safari, if you are positive, you will be quarantined for 14 days at your own cost.
Please Note, Rwanda has a Mandatory 14 days Quarantine procedure when you land in.
Kenya resumed its flight operations to various countries in the world. Its also receiving flights from various destinations listed on the government website www.kaa.go.ke.
Tanzania is opened too and accepting flights from all over the world.
Uganda remains closed now with no flights accessing the country at the moment. We will keep you updated on any developments.
Looking for countries allowed to fly in Post Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID 19) to Kenya? The Kenyan Government Website has the latest list of countries.
Please read into detail our Safari protocol to keep you up to date with what comes up.
Kenya Quarantine exempted states
Visa, Health and Country requirements
Kenya Mandatory online Travelers Health Surveillance Form to be filled and submitted prior